Constance Warnock

With the University of Virginia since 1993, Connie has worked in Facilities Planning and Construction as a designer and project manager for academic, auxiliary and historic preservation projects. Appointed by the Governor to the State Art and Architecture Review Board from 2006 to 2014, Connie advised on the artistic character of buildings and works of art funded by the state or located on state property. As the Associate University Architect with the Office of the Architect, Connie works on a wide variety of academic projects including projects for the UVA College at Wise. Currently Connie is working with Alice Raucher and the OAU team on planning and feasibility studies and also oversees the architectural design of both small and larger capital projects. Her projects include the new Student Health and Wellness building, the new Contemplative Commons and the McIntire School of Commerce expansion and renovation of Cobb Hall. Connie is active on the University's Space Working Group and Space Leadership Committee.